by PPP | Nov 27, 2023 | Company News, Injection Moulding
This new Jupiter 550 t twin platen machine with Hilectro robot gives us increased capacity. It has a shot weight of 1.6 kgs and can take a tool up to 900 x 810 x...
by PPP | Jun 7, 2022 | Company News, Injection Moulding
We invest in our staff with the latest training in injection moulding. Here are some of our staff at Woverhampton College undertaking their IMT level 3...
by PPP | Jun 30, 2020 | Company News, Injection Moulding
Some of the staff from PPP in their Christmas jumpers all for a good...
by James Munger | Mar 25, 2020 | Company News, Injection Moulding
In response to updated advice by the UK Government and Public Health England, Premier Plastic Parts Limited is currently running using a small skeleton staff. We are adhering to social distancing measures, to protect the health of our staff and prevent the further...
by PPP | May 24, 2019 | Company News, Injection Moulding
Premier Plastics takes delivery of a new Mars 120t energy efficient moulding machine.